All of our borders are layed on a granite gravel base for stability and to raise bottom border flush with grass line. The two types of natural stone are moss rock and chop rocks.
Moss stackers are typically two courses approximately 6″ high. Thicker stones are available. Chop rocks are either tan, gray, or limestone colors. Usually single course with typical thickness at 4″ to 5″ and same on depth.
Another option is to place a single moss rock boulder in varying increments to change the elevation. Also it is very common to add additional courses on corners to adjust for the elevation.
Borders Gallery
Oklahoma Choprock Borders with Landscape and Plantings
Natural mossrock boulder borders with bed and plantings
Doublestack Borders
Double Stacked Choprock Border with beds and plantings
Choprock Borders with Beds
Triple Stacked Stone borders with mossrock boulder interim
Silvermist Choprock Mortared planter boxes with plantings, Plaza 3 stone paver patio
Double Stacker bed border with beds and plantings
Oklahoma chop rock bed borders with landscaping.
Moss rock terracing and borders with flagstone steps and landscape.
Double moss stackers with moss rock interims.
Seminole cut stone borders
Seminole cut stone borders
Double moss stackers
Double moss stackers
Oklahoma chop rock borders
Moss rock bed borders with basket boulder interims.
Disappearing water feature, landscape bordered with oklahoma chop rock.
Moss stack bed borders
moss rock bed borders and landscape
oklahoma chop rock borders
moss rock borders
moss rock borders and landscaping
moss rock borders and boulder settings
Oklahoma chop rock borders
Double moss stackers borders and landscape
moss rock bed borders and landscape.
Moss rock bed borders with landscape.
Double moss rock bed borders and landscape.
Moss rock borders.
Oklahoma chop rock borders along walkway and moss rock tree rings with moss boulder settings and landscape.
Mortared Borders
Oklahoma chop rock mortared boreders
Oklahoma chop rock retainer wall.
Oklahoma chop rock Planter with chop rock borders.